فني مأوى اختصاصي (حلب – اعزاز)

المنصب الوظيفي: فني مأوى اختصاصي

موقع العمل: سوريا -حلب -اعزاز

كود المشروع: Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-207

مدة المشروع:4 شهور

المهام المطلوبة

-التنسيق مع مسؤول المشروع في المكتب الرئيسي و متابعة جميع الانشطة المطلوبة منه.

-الإشراف على تنفيذ المشروع في مراحله المختلفة طبقاً للشروط والمواصفات والمخططات التنفيذية.

-إعداد ورفع التقارير اليومية عن نشاطات المشروع ونسبة الإنجاز لكل موقع.

– إعداد دفتر أحوال الموقع وتسجيل الملاحظات اليومية به.

-الرفع للجهة الإدارية بأية مخالفات أو مشاكل تحدث أثناء التنفيذ

-مراجعة حصر الكميات المنفذة أولاً بأول.

-الاشتراك في أعمال الاستلام الابتدائي .

-مراجعة حصر الكميات النهائية .

-مراجعة وتدقيق التنفيذ للمشروع حسب دفتر الشروط الفنية والمخططات.

-إعداد التقرير الميداني الختامي .

-الاشتراك في أعمال الاستلام النهائي

المؤهلات المطلوبة

-شهادة جامعية في الهندسة المدنية او مايقابلها. 

-خبرة عمل بالمنظمات الانسانية لمدة لا تقل عن سنتين

-القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط.

-التمتع بروح الفريق.

-الإلمام بمبادئ العمل الإنساني.

يرجى التقدم على الرابط التالي:


Shelter Officer (Gaziantep)

Location: Turkey-Gaziantep
Duration :4 month
Position: Shelter Officer (we prefer Turkish nationality)

Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-204
Function and Organizational Relationships
The Officer will be following up with the shelter projects planning, designing, implementation inside Syria. In addition to following up with the support department to ensure the smooth project implementation. She/He will be based in Maram’s Gaziantep office.


-Supervise and oversee the implementation of the project activities.
-Communicate with the field teams on daily basis.
-Prepare the periodic internal and external reports.
-Prepare the purchase requisitions.
-Prepare the bills quantity (BOQs) and technical SOPs.
-Follow up with the project budget in coordination with the program coordinator.
-Follow up with the supporting department to ensure the smooth project implementation.
-Adhere to quality standards and activities implementation of projects according to Maram’s standards and donor’s requirements.
-Comply with Maram’s policies, regulations and humanitarian principles.
-Attend the cluster meetings and the project meeting as per the program coordinator request.
-Any other duties as requested by the supervisor.


-Share with the Program Manager and his/her assistant every information about security, activities, logistics or administrative issues occurred at field level.
-Participate in the preparation of the regular program reports.
-Participate to the general program meetings (weekly, monthly…).
-Communicate orally about any important issue in internal staff meetings.


-Work experience in Shelter projects for at least one year.
-Previous experience in project officer position for at least 2 years.
-Proven administrative and IT skills with ability of having good documentation system
-Flexible and able to work well under pressure
-Capable of working collaboratively with team members to achieve objectives


-Time management and organizational skills.
-Strong ethics, with an ability to manage confidential data.
-The ability to work in a systematic and organized manner.
-The ability to work under minimal supervision.


-Civil engineering degree or any relevant certificate.
-Years of Experiences: Total of two years of relevant experience, one of which must be NGO experience.
-Computer Skills: MS office specially Excel, advanced excel skill is required.
-Excellent communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills.
-Experience working in humanitarian/ emergency and recovery projects.
-Ability to collaborate effectively with staff and stakeholders.
-Excellent report writing skills in English and Arabic.

Maram Foundation is committed to an equal opportunity employer; therefore, we encourage applications from marginalized populations.

All applicants and employees at Maram Foundation will enjoy equality of opportunities and fair treatment without regard to Race, Color, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, pregnancy, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or marital status.

Kindly fill this form:


مدخل بيانات (حلب – اعزاز)

Vacancy Ref. No: MF-HR/20-203

المهام المطلوبة

– اتقان العمل على برامج ميكروسوفت

– جمع البيانات من موظفي المشروع و تفريغها على برامج الميكروسوفت

– العمل مع فريق المهندسين لتنظيم جداول الكميات و ارشفتها 

– تقديم الدعم الكامل لفريق التوزيع و مراقبة انشطة المياه فيما يخص تنظيم و جدولة الانشطة المنفذة 

– تزويد مدير المشروع بالبيانات و التقارير الاسبوعية

المؤهلات المطلوبة

– شهادة معهد او جامعة او ICDL 

– القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط 

– التمتع بروح الفريق 

– الالمام بمبادئ العمل الانساني

على من يجد بنفسه الكفاءة والخبرة يرجى التقدم على الرابط التالي:


موظف مشروع (حلب – اعزاز)

Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-202

مدة المشروع 4 شهور 

الراتب 500 دولار

المهام المطلوبة

– التنسيق مع منسق المشروع الميداني و متابعة جميع الانشطة المطلوبة منه

– الإشراف على تنفيذ المشروع في مراحله المختلفة طبقاً للشروط والمواصفات والمخططات التنفيذية .

– اعداد و اعتماد اقب لتقارير اليومية ورفعها للمنسق المشروع وحفظ نسخة بملف المشروع.

– إعداد دفتر أحوال الموقع وتسجيل الملاحظات اليومية به

– الرفع للجهة الإدارية بأية مخالفات أو مشاكل تحدث أثناء التنفيذ

– مراجعة حصر الكميات المنفذة أولاً بأول

– الاشتراك في أعمال الاستلام الابتدائي .

– مراجعة حصر الكميات النهائية .

– مراجعة وتدقيق المخططات حسب التنفيذ 

– إعداد التقرير الميداني الختامي .

– الاشتراك في أعمال الاستلام النهائي .

المؤهلات المطلوبة

– شهادة جامعية او معهد 

– خبرة عمل بالمنظمات الانسانية

– القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط 

– التمتع بروح الفريق 

– الالمام بمبادئ العمل الانساني

على من يجد بنفسه الكفاءة والخبرة يرجى التقديم عبر الرابط التالي:


منسق مشروع (حلب – اعزاز)

 Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-201

مدة المشروع 4 أشهر

الراتب 600 دولار

المهام المطلوبة

– التنسيق المباشر مع مدير المشروع وجميع موظفي المشروع 

– حفظ وثائق المشروع بملفات مع التصنيف والترتيب

– الاشتراك في لجنة تسليم الموقع للمقاول في الموعد المحدد وإعداد محضر على النموذج المعد لذلك.

– متابعة إعداد البرنامج الزمني للتنفيذ من المقاول لدراسته وإبداء أية ملاحظات عليه (إن وجدت).

– دراسة المخططات التنفيذية والتفصيلية لأجزاء المشروع المختلفة

– مراجعة ومطابقة المخططات المعمارية على جميع المخططات الأخرى ومراجعة الكميات الواردة بالعقد مع المخططات

– التخطيط والإشراف العام ووضع البرامج والسياسات لتفادي أي تأخير في إنجاز المشروع .

– الإشراف على تنفيذ المشروع في مراحله المختلفة طبقاً للشروط والمواصفات والمخططات التنفيذية .

– متابعة تنفيذ البرنامج الزمني وتحديثه

– تقديم التقارير الاسبوعية و الشهرية للمدير المباشر

المؤهلات المطلوبة

– شهادة هندسة مدنية او معمارية 

– خبرة عمل بالمنظمات الانسانية ( سنتين على الاقل )

– عمل سابق داخل المخيمات 

– القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط 

– التمتع بروح الفريق 

– الالمام بمبادئ العمل الانساني

على من يجد بنفسه الكفاءة والخبرة يرجى التقدم على الرابط التالي:


مدربة حاسوب ادلب (اطمه)

مدربة حاسوب ادلب اطمه

مدة العقد 3 شهور 

الراتب 200 دولار

المهام والمسؤليات

– تحضير المادة العلمية (و الأفضل أن يتم توفير ملف للمشاركة الورقية أو الالكترونية)

– وضع خطة تدريب و اعتمادها مع المسؤول الميداني

– فرز المتدربين بحسب الفئات العمرية و توزيعهم على مجموعات

– إجراء اختبارات قبلية وبعدية للمتدربين بالتنسيق مع وحدة المراقبة والتقييم

– إرسال تقرير عن التدريب و مخرجاته و نتائجه في نهاية الفترة التدريبية

المؤهلات المطلوبة

– أن تكون حاصلة على شهادة معهد متوسط كحد ادنى 

– حاصلة على شهادات متعلقة في تدريب الحاسوب مثل شهادة قيادة الحاسوب 

– لديها معرفة كافية في العمل الانساني و مجال الحماية 

– ان يكون لديها خلفية تدريبية في مجال تدريب نظام ويندوز و الاوفيس 

على من تجد بنفسها الكفاءة والخبرة ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني cv@maram.ngo

مدربة خياطة في ادلب (عقربات)

مدربة خياطة في ادلب -عقربات

مدة العقد 3 شهور 

الراتب 200 دولار 

المهام والمسؤوليات

– تحضير المادة العلمية (و الأفضل أن يتم توفير ملف للمشاركة الورقية أو الالكترونية)

– وضع خطة تدريب و اعتمادها مع المسؤول الميداني

– فرز المتدربين بحسب الفئات العمرية و توزيعهم على مجموعات

– إجراء اختبارات قبلية وبعدية للمتدربين بالتنسيق مع وحدة المراقبة والتقييم

– إرسال تقرير عن التدريب و مخرجاته و نتائجه في نهاية الفترة التدريبية

المؤهلات المطلوبة

– ان تكون حاصلة على شهادة بالفنون الجميلة

– حاصلة على شهادة في تدريب المستفيديات في مجال الخياطة والفنون

– لديها معرفة كافية في العمل الإنساني وفي مجال الحماية.

على من تجد بنفسها الكفاءة والخبرة ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني cv@maram.ngo


Safety and Security Officer (Gaziantep)

Location: Turkey-Gaziantep
Duration :6 Month It is possible to extend the contract
Position: Safety and Security Officer
Vacancy Ref.No: Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-195

Function and Organizational Relationships

The Safety & Security Officer (SSO) works with all departments and country teams to ensure that organizational security policies and procedures are responsive to the context, adequate and known to staff. The SSO reports to the Deputy CEO. The SSO must maintain an acute awareness of the context and all threats as they relate to operations. S/he provides the program, logistics and management teams with up-to-date briefings, analysis. S/he advises on operational security measures and manage security field staff to document, train and implement security management planning. The SSO interacts, as directed, with the regional and global teams in analysis, advocacy, and context updates.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Advise senior management and Project Officers on all safety and security related matters and the possible impact on staff safety, equipment, project design, implementation and funding.
  • Prepare comprehensive SOPs for each country of operations, to include all locations where Foundation staff and dependents are present.
  • Work to ensure that safety and security is a core component of all programs at the duty station and that appropriate funding is provided based on actual needs.
  • Prepare an annual security work plan including budget for all aspects of security including full compliance and training needs.
  • Conduct periodic (or when the security situation dictates) office security surveys, with recommendations on necessary physical security upgrades communicated to the Deputy CEO, Head of Programs and concerned Project Officers.
  •  Establish and maintain contact with UN Agencies, NGO and national security agencies where and when appropriate.
  • Develop as required security risk assessments outlining potential risks and recommended mitigation strategies regards project implementation taking into consideration relevant and existing assessments.
  • Constant monitoring and analysis of the operating environment, timely readjustment and improvements of operations, including advice on legal considerations and risk assessment.
  • Analyse and identify potential issues related to security operations. Proposal of strategies and options to be reviewed by management.
  • Build and share knowledge with regards to the management of operations in the country office.
  • Ensure all personnel receive briefings upon initial arrival, local security training as necessitated by changes in the security environment, and are kept informed of matters affecting their security.
  • Ensure that fire safety arrangements (fire extinguishers, smoke detectors etc.) are present and functioning in all premises. Oversee the preparation of fire/building evacuation plans, whilst ensuring that periodical practice drills are carried out.
  • Follow up on arrests and detentions of staff members and eligible dependents.
  • Coordinate appropriate 24-hour response to all security related incidents involving staff and eligible dependents.
  • Ensure staff adherence and compliance to the security advisories, in particular: compliance with directions related to security and communication tree systems; minimum operating security standards.
  • Immediate reporting of all security related incidents involving staff and eligible dependents to the Deputy CEO and CEO where appropriate.
  • Coordinate, organize and accompany donor visits to field operations, including visits to high-risk locations.
  • Plan and conduct field visits in coordination and cooperation with the relevant contractors and Implementing partners.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.


  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in a related area, Master’s degree preferred or equivalent in experience; OR Secondary school (High School or equivalent) with a minimum of 11 years of relevant experience; OR Military (or relevant Police Experience) with a minimum of 11 years of relevant experience is required.
  • Relevant experience is defined as experience in security guard management, military operations, policing (law enforcement), humanitarian emergency management, security of information, or personnel security.
  • Experience in international security management is required.
  • Excellent planning, coordination and reporting skills, with the ability to organize a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities, and present complex information in succinct and compelling manner.
  • Strong local credentials in the given area inside Syria.
  • Arabic and English are required, Turkish is an asset.
  • Readiness to relocate to assigned location(s).

Kindly fill this form:


RC Program Coordinator (Gaziantep)

Location: Turkey-Gaziantep
Duration :6 month
Position: RC Program Coordinator (we prefer Turkish nationality)
Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-198

Function and Organizational Relationships

Reception Centre Program Coordinator is responsible for managing all RCs projects, focal points for the RC projects to lead on implementation, coordination and reporting. He/She is responsible for providing guidance on all projects components to the teams in the field and the HQ levels regarding the project’s objectives, indicators and activities. The RC Program Coordinator reports to the CCCM Program Coordinator. The RC PC coordinates and undertakes the project management role for respective sectoral team (CCCM in Reception Centers). Additionally, is responsible for the implementation of projects within the sectoral team and has the role in coordinating the RCs teams, being responsible for reporting all projects activities to the CCCM PC, and supporting in performance feedback and reviews for the respective team. The RC PC leads the team of Project Officers within his/her respective sector and coordinates with Operations, Logistics, and M&E with the support unit.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Managing all RC teams in Syria and following up in implementing RC projects according to the project targets.
  • Following up implementing of projects including budget, achievements, objectives and writing the reports (interim reports, narrative reports, and final reports), in addition, to monitoring the budgets with the financial team.
  • Coordinates the design, proposal development, implementation of RC projects between different project officers.
  • Supports the development and reviews in coordination with the CCCM Program Coordinator the overall project work plans and budgets; provides guidance to the employees in their delivery of duties.
  • Provides technical guidance and oversight to implemented projects.
  • Leads the technical coordination between Head of Programs and projects to ensure implementation in a systematic and timely manner, to follow work plan targets, achieve technical requirements and complete deliverables in accordance with subproject agreements and budgets.
  • Supports the design M&E framework.
  • Prepares projects reports, templates, and requirements.
  • Prepares strategic plans for the respective sector as well as involved in proposal writing for potential RC projects.
  • Attends relevant meetings and represents the department and the organization in external events, conferences, workshops, trainings and meetings.
  • Presents and trains teams in sector-related issues and sessions.


  • Five years of relevant experience, including at least three years of experience in Emergencies and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM).
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in a study area relevant such as political science, development studies, humanities or related fields.
  • Previous experience in relief and development in INGO or NGO.
  • Professional experience in Project Cycle Management (PCM).
  • Familiarity with the Syrian conflict, Syrian NGOs and stakeholders; personal awareness and engagement.
  • Strong communication, management, and interpersonal skills.

Maram Foundation is committed to an equal opportunity employer; therefore, we encourage applications from marginalized populations.
All applicants and employees at Maram Foundation will enjoy equality of opportunities and fair treatment without regard to Race, Color, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, pregnancy, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or marital status.

Kindly fill this form:


(RC & CCCM) Program Assistant (Gaziantep)

Location: Turkey-Gaziantep
Duration :4 month
Position: (RC & CCCM) Program Assistant (we prefer Turkish nationality)
Vacancy Ref.No:MF-HR/20-199

Function and Organizational Relationships

Support and Assist the RC Coordinator in implementation of project activities, data collection, organizing evaluations and support communications activities to ensure the project activities are implemented in line with the project goal, objective and work plans.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Following up on project activities on a daily basis.
  • Assists in regularly monitoring progress of project implementation and conduct assessments and prioritize project activities based on findings.
  • Identifies gaps in the management of project and supporting the field team in addressing these gaps.
  • Prepares field reports for project and assisting in editing.
  • Provides close support to RC CCCM officer & Coordinator.
  • Provides support to project including guidance on project start-up, compliance reporting and documentation requirements.
  • Assists in preparing project monthly, quarterly, and final reports for submission to RC Coordinator on timely manner.
  • Any other related duties assigned by line manager when required.


  • Education: Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering / Architecture or other studies related to the job description.
  • Years of Experiences: Total of two years of relevant experience, one of which must be NGO experience.
  • Computer Skills: AutoCAD skills, MS office specially Excel, advanced excel skill is required.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills.
  • Experience working in humanitarian/ emergency and recovery projects.
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with staff and stakeholders.
  • Excellent report writing skills in English and Arabic.

Maram Foundation is committed to an equal opportunity employer; therefore, we encourage applications from marginalized populations.
All applicants and employees at Maram Foundation will enjoy equality of opportunities and fair treatment without regard to Race, Color, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, pregnancy, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or marital status.

Kindly fill this form:
