Shelter & Non-Food Items SNFI
Maram Foundation, SNFI GUIDE.
What is SNFI?
Maram Foundation’s Shelter and NFI programs seek to protect crisis-affected people from the vulnerability, danger, and suffering that comes with the loss of housing, security, and belongings in times of conflict and displacement.
The program aims to provide lifesaving assistance to people fleeing violence through the reconstruction of housing, distribution of tents, winterization, and rehabilitation of existing shelters, and the provision of appropriate NFI kits. Maram’s S/NFI programming reflects a broad and holistic approach, aiming to ensure that all activities promote gender equality, livelihoods, well-being, and health. Shelter and NFI responses are context-specific and informed by the diversity of needs and experiences of the communities in which we work.

The right to adequate shelter is a basic human right, enshrined in human rights law. It is a right that extends to include access to the basic goods and supplies that are required not only to survive but to live in dignity. The central mission of the MF SNFI program is to ensure crisis-affected families and communities have access to healthy living conditions, privacy, safety, and human dignity in times of displacement.
MF SNFI programs are informed by the knowledge that the timely provision of adequate shelter is vital in emergency situations and a stabilizing influence in post-crisis resilience-building and population movement. Whilst the provision of context-specific NFI, including bedding, clothing and other much-needed items allows affected populations to carry out their day-to-day activities, offering a sense of ownership and the opportunity to regain a level of normalcy.

The Syrian conflict has created the largest refugee and displacement crisis of our time (World Vision, 2019). More than 6.6 million (UNHCR 2019) people are displaced within Syria, having lost their homes, their social and financial assets, their livelihoods, and a sense of belonging. MF origins are rooted in Shelter and NFI, the foundation’s first initiative was the establishment and management of Atmeh Camp, known officially as ‘Olive Tree Camp’, in late 2011. Atmeh camp was the first IDP camp in Northern Syria and stands as the biggest camp with an estimated IDP population of more than 29,000 (ACU, 2013). In coordination with several NGOs and INGOs, Maram’s activities in Atmeh Camp included the distribution of tents and emergency NFI kits.
MF shelter and NFI program have continued to improve and expand. Geographically, our SNFI activities have spread across multiple informal and formal settlements in and around Idlib, Aleppo, and Hama Governorate. Whilst the provision of shelter has expanded to include the distribution of tents, the establishment of planned camps, collective and reception centers (CCCM), the winterization of camps, and the rehabilitation of damaged housing.

Rapid response interventions are based on meeting the immediate needs of crisis-affected populations. The provision of emergency shelter and NFI assistance in such contexts aim to ensure vulnerable populations have equitable access to life-saving aid and protection from exposure to harsh conditions, food insecurity and other factors that may increase their vulnerabilities.

While SNFI activities seek to address emergency recovery needs, Early Recovery practices are further integrated within S/NFI activities in order to strengthen the resilience of affected communities. This is achieved through a labor-intensive approach targeting the restoration of basic services, the rehabilitation of infrastructure, debris removal and cross-sectoral coordination of WASH and CCCM services.
MF ER shelter and NFI interventions aim to stimulate the local economy and market restoration by prioritizing local procurement, labor, and procurement.