M&E Officer (Idleb)

M&E Officer (Idleb)

  • المسمى الوظيفي: موظف مراقبة وتقييم
  • القسم : قسم المراقبة والتقييم
  • مكان العمل : سرمدا وادلب وريفها
  • المدير المباشر: مدير المراقبة والتقييم

آخر موعد لقبول الطلبات: 19 كانون الأول 2021

إذا كانت لديك الكفاءات المطلوبة أدناه، وكنت تبحث عن عمل نزيه وشريف فأنت من تبحث عنه مرام، بادر للتقديم على الوظيفة وادخل المنافسة مع الآخرين.

تعريف بمؤسسة مرام

مؤسسة مرام للتنمية والاغاثة ، مؤسسة غير ربحية تعمل في مختلف الأراضي السورية، تهدف مؤسسة مرام للتخفيف من حدة الأزمة الإنسانية والأعراض الناتجة عنها.

تؤمن مرام وتعتمد مبدأ تكافؤ الفرص بدون تمييز عنصري أو مناطقي، سيتم اعطاء الوظيفة للأكفأ من حيث الشهادة الدراسية والخبرة العملية والمهارات الأكثر مع وجود الاستعداد وروح التحدي لنجاح المشروع وتنفيذ أنشطته بفعالية.

لا تحبذ مرام توظيف الأقارب خصوصا في الموقع الواحد.


The MEAL Officer is responsible for both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the project. This position is critical in the management and implementation of the project since the capacity to deliver services will be improved with the relevant technical assistance that the MEAL officer will provide based on monitoring activities, outputs, and outcomes.Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Carry out all MEAL data collection processes (regular monitoring, PDM, , Reflection sessions)
  2. After monitoring visits, complete a detailed monitoring visit report within three working days
  3. Ensure any data collectors/ enumerators hired by the project are trained on the use of field-level data collection tools and the reporting
  4. Review and clean the data coming through the M&E systems, and ensuring data quality audits are done regularly to ensure the data on the system is accurate
  5. Support MEAL Manager to ensure post-implementation monitoring is conducted for projects/sectors as agreed with donors
  6. Ensuring spot checks are done to verify and validate project reports Support Senior MEAL Officer and MEAL Manager in presenting M&E findings to the project management, partners, & SLT
  7. Ensure all M&E tools, data, reports, and findings

Accountability to Beneficiaries

  1. Oversee the day-to-day management complaints and response mechanism, including producing weekly feedback reports to partners and following up with beneficiaries to close the loop.
  2. Conduct frequent spot-checks and verification visits
  3. Conduct feedback sessions and beneficiary satisfaction surveys with project beneficiaries.
  4. Ensure HA results are aggregated monthly, and the reports shared with the partner and management for purposes of decision making.


  1. Produce MEAL related reports including Databases,
  2. Review partner feedback trackers and accountability reports and compile them into a monthly report for the project
  3. Produce Monitoring Visit Report for all regular field visits
  4. Provide MEAL input into donor reports, ensuring all data presented is verified and provide detailed updates on MEAL activities

Information Management, Innovation, and learning

  1. Mainstream the use of mobile technology for data collection reporting purposes.
  2. Create interactive dashboards (online & offline) to present project information.

Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications

  1. University institute (2 years) education is a minimum.
  2. Demonstrable ability in log frame and MEAL plan development.
  3. Ability to transfer knowledge through informal and formal training.
  4. Demonstrated ability in using quantitative and qualitative methods, including questionnaire design, survey techniques and participatory approaches.
  5. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team.
  6. Good organizational and time management skills.
  7. Computer proficiency in word processing, PowerPoint, database, spreadsheet, and graphics presentations,
  8. Demonstrated ability in the use of quantitative, logical, and analytical abilities.

Knowledge of advanced research methods and statistical analysis through statistical and data visualization software (such as SPSS, Power BI)

سيتم طلب المقابلة (فيديو) فقط لأفضل من يحققون المتطلبات الدنيا أعلاه، من المتقدمين قبل آخر موعد لتقديم الطلبات بشرط ملء كافة البيانات المطلوبة.

للتقديم على الوظيفة حصراً يرجى ملء كافة البيانات المطلوبة في النموذج التالي (بالنقر على الرابط) وارفاق السيرة الذاتية في نهاية النموذج، ولا يقبل أي طريقة تقديم أخرى:


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