Maram Foundation, PROTECTION GUIDE.
Camp Coordination and Camp Management – CCCM program seeks to improve the living conditions of displaced persons living in camps or camp-like settings, by guaranteeing that populations are protected and have equitable access to basic services.

Ensuring initiatives have a profound and sustainable impact is part and parcel of all MF programs. Longevity and social transformation are major driving forces of our protection activities. Many of these centre around enhancing community cohesion and providing women and youth with opportunities for self-empowerment, enhancing resilience and independence.

The central mission of our protection program is guided by the principle: Do No Harm. Underpinning this principle is the belief that all individuals have the right to a life free from fear and free from want; all activities work to protect and promote safety, dignity and gender equality which is at the core of all MF interventions.
The protection program aims to alleviate the physical, emotional and psychological effects of violence and abuse, restore dignity, and ensure well-being, resilience, and recovery through the provision of specialized services and people-centred assistance.
Guided by internationally ascribed protection norms which seek to help people claim the rights set out in the Humanitarian Charter, Maram’s protection interventions work to mitigate and end violence against people without discrimination.

The conflict has had a devastating impact on the lives of all Syrians, affecting the ability of all individuals to meet their basic needs. However, which disproportionately affect women and youth increasing their vulnerability to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV and GBV), forced or early marriage, and socio-economic hardship. Maram’s protection interventions adopt a full, multi-sectoral approach to address existing inequalities, awareness-raising, and vocational training to identify, mitigate and protect individuals and communities from the impact of harmful social beliefs, behaviors, and practices.
Our initial Protections project began in September 2014 with the establishment of the Bayti Orphanage center. In partnership with Malteser International, the initiative provided emergency protection services and PSS to unaccompanied Syrian refugee children arriving in Reyhanli, Turkey. Between 2014 and 2016 Bayti was the home for more than 60 Syrian orphans ages 3-13 years in addition to more than 60 other children within the same age who lost one of their parents or both but live with a family member. The center provided full board accommodation to orphaned children as well as education facilities, that offered a range of activities including leadership programs and vocational training for Syrian women and youth.

- Establishment of Women & Girls Safe Space (WGSS) Centers.
- Individual & Group Counselling services.
- Case Management.
- Outreach programs.
- Confidential referral mechanisms to appropriate services.

- Business training.
- Business Networking.
- Knitting, Sewing, and Handmade crafts.
- Languages.
- Cooking.
- Sports & Recreation.

- Importance of human rights.
- Establishing and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships.
- Prevention of forced/child marriage.
- Education on GBV and SGBV.
- Family Planning.